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A Tribute to the Gurus

The grand celebration of Teachers’ Day, organized by the young scholars of Amrita Vidyalayam, took place on the virtual platform on September 5, 2020. The auspicious day began with the classroom teaching wherein the students of the senior grades visited the virtual classrooms and taught the students of grade I—VIII.

It was followed by a short cultural extravaganza. The cultural fiesta, prepared by the diligent students, commenced with the chanting of ‘Dhyan Shloka’ to invoke the blessings of the omnipresent and the divine mentor Sadguru Mata Amritanandmayi Devi.

The exceptionally wonderful cultural tribute, prepared by the students, comprised of recitation of self composed poems, speeches, rendition of mellifluous songs and a short video. The vibrant students paid a glowing tribute to their teachers and conveyed their love and reverence through their performances and overwhelmingly heart touching messages.

The principal of the school, in her speech, extended greetings to all the teachers on the propitious occasion and highlighted some of the significant roles and duties of the teachers. The grand celebration culminated with the national anthem.

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