'World Population Day' is an annual event observed every year on July 11 to raise awareness of global population issues. The event was established by the Governing Council of the United Nations Development Programme in 1989. The day coincided with the event that the July, 11, 1987, the world population had reached Five billion. The 'World Population Day' is being observed in India for the last 10 years.
This year, it will be observed in the midst of COVID-19 pandemic since the reproductive health service assumes even more important for the overall internal and new-born wellbeing. So, it will be observed for a period of one-month throughout the Country.
Like previous years, this year too, the health department emphasis of education department through selected creative works posters, slogans etc. for the students from Class VI to XII in all schools of Delhi.
The topics for creative works poster, slogan etc. are (at District & State level)
• Minimum age at marriage for girls and boys
• Need for small family
• Role of fathers in responsible planning of families and healthy upbringing of children.
The HoS of Govt, Govt. Aided and Unaided recognized Schools will submit the selected three entries on physical/online module to their respective zone office by 17.08.2020 and DDE (Zone) will submit maximum ten entries to DDE (District) by 21.8.2020. DDEs district will forward the best 5 entries to Population Education Branch, at Lajpat Nagar-IV, New Delhi by 31.08.2020 on populationeducationcell@gmail.com.
The Deworming tablets Incharge of the school will bey6odal officer for the campaign. 1") The District (Office of CDMO) will coordinate with Nodal Officer of the School, HoS, DDE Zones and DDE District for maximum participation. (?-CC° (Pramod Kumar) Dy. Director of Education, (PEC) To All the HoSs of Govt., Govt. Aided & Govt. Recognized Schools, Directorate of Education, Delhi/New Delhi. No.DDE/Sc.&TV/2020/ Dated: Copy to: 1. PS to Secretary Education, Directorate of Education, GNCT of Delhi. 2. PA to Director of Education, Directorate of Education, GNCT of Delhi. 3. All DDEs (Distt/Zone) to monitor the compliance. 4 ncharge, Computer Cell with the request to upload the Circular on the department